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But the wheels fell off this season: San Antonio sits at 27-36, 11th in the West, with little chance to make up that ground for the 8-seed.ĭeRozan, 30, has a player option for $27.7 million next season. DeMar DeRozan and LaMarcus Aldridge did lead the Spurs to a playoff berth last season, and they drew a favorable matchup in round one that went seven games. And in that time of crisis, the Spurs chose to hedge the present and future. The seamless transition from one franchise player, Tim Duncan, to another, Leonard, was thrown for a loop. The Kawhi Leonard trade demand was an inflection point for San Antonio.

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But sometimes you have to make an exception, and with where the Spurs are at, they may need a change now more than ever. Their model is built on sustainability, and it’s worked unequivocally.

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The San Antonio Spurs are the last team you’d expect to take a swing for one year. Photo by Gene Sweeney Jr./Getty Images San Antonio Spurs

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